I spent a little time photographing yesterday’s Solar Eclipse over Boulder, where the sun was 93% blocked by the moon. Enjoy these photos! I’m traveling for the next couple of days but thought I would send them out (I’m at the airport now).
This is the mostly eclipsed sun, when a few clouds went in front of the sun, giving it a slight discoloration:
This is toward the beginning of the eclipse when the moon was gradually covering the sun:
You can see sun spots toward the bottom of the sun, as the moon moves a bit closer:
Closer still:
This is approaching the maximum here in Boulder:
I took these image with a Canon 5D Mark III camera, using a 300 mm f/4 lens and a 2x extender (600 mm total at f/8). I used a tripod to hold the lens and used the image stabilizer built into the lens to avoid camera shake. Specs for the images: 1/160 second exposure, f/8, ISO 1600, 600 mm.
In order to not burn the camera or my eyes, I created a solar filter by tearing apart a pair of eclipse glasses; this is the same filter I built for the Venus transit in 2012. Learn how I made this build.
It should go without saying… don’t try this at home without a real solar filter.
Okay… now back to Website development and marketing!

About Jeff Finkelstein
Jeff Finkelstein is the founder of Boulder, Colorado based Customer Paradigm, an interactive marketing firm that helps clients achieve their goals through Search Engine Optimization, eCommerce, Web Design and various other marketing strategies. An expert on Internet Privacy and Web Marketing, Jeff evangelizes the customer experience and helps businesses design sequenced interactions that lead to loyal, delighted customers.