Privacy Consulting
Privacy Consulting

Does your Website have a P3P Privacy Policy?
As issues concerning Internet privacy continue to escalate, consumers are becoming more protective of their personal information. Online customers are more than just email addresses. They`re complex people with wants, interests and buying power. And unlike the offline world, on the Internet, permission-based marketing rules are the standard.
Rather than relying on stealth tactics to gain data, companies can invite their customers to take control of their online profiles in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. When a company tells their end users what will be done with the information that is being collected, and provides their end users access to their information, the information collected will be cleaner, richer data and will help develop trust between the end user and the business.
Customer Paradigm`s privacy solutions help global companies build and sustain trusted customer relationships, while navigating complex data collection and use procedures. Learn more about our Privacy Training & Seminars that help ensure legislative compliance and industry best practices. Click here for Customer Paradigm’s P3P Privacy Policy Solutions >>
Legislative & Regulatory Briefings
Whitepapers and corporate presentations, Quarterly updates available. United States – Federal, State, Specific legislation, by industry segment, FTC, other agencies Canada European Union – Safe harbor, model contracts, local data protection laws Mexico, Central and South America Asia / Pacific Rim and Africa.
Collection & Risk Assessment
Collection & Risk Assessment of Global Data Information Handling Practices. Internet Properties Suppliers & Partners HR & global employee information handling practices . Merging of offline and online data. Wireless & location tracking devices. Legacy data & associated permissions. Assess, analyze, recognize risk, issue specific recommendations for global compliance.
Develop methodology & train company personnel to perform internal assessment and analyze risk.
Global Compliance:
Privacy Code & Policy Creation for Global Compliance: After Customer Paradigm gathers how information is collected, stored and used, Customer Paradigm can help develop guidelines that allow businesses to meet their objectives, while at the same time building trusted relationships with suppliers, customers, employees, consumer advocates and legislators and regulators.
Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use Statements, Cookies, Web-bugs, P3P-Compliant Privacy Policies Click Here Binding contractual agreement language to ensure compliance to minimum practices. Recommend industry-specific “best practices”. Proper notice, disclosure, consent, access, security & integrity, and consumer redress.
Seal programs – TRUSTe, BBBOnline, Webtrust.
Security Audits & Preparation
Perform Security Audits Logical& Physical Data Flows Disaster Recovery.
Privacy-Focused IT Strategy Consulting:
Help companies build privacy, security and trust into new and existing products and services. Public Relations & Marketing Consulting Marketing Practices Review.
FAQ’s for privacy disaster events, including communications responses.
Consumer & Privacy advocate review of products/services, engaging advocates early in product development process. Access to Customer Paradigm’s Privacy Crisis Management Team (PCMT).
Strategy consulting for privacy-friendly media coverage.
Permission Marketing consulting:
Help companies understand that consumers often drive relationships and have power; Incremental, long-term profitable customer relationships; How to best capture accurate and relevant data by providing proper sequenced marketing campaigns with notice, choice, disclosure and access.
Free, No Obligation Privacy Consultation.
Let Customer Paradigm examine your business or organization’s privacy needs. Strong privacy practices and policies can not only mitigate business risk from privacy blunders, but can help build increased consumer trust. For a Free, No Obligation Consultation, please fill out the form below: