eLearning Series
What is a #1 search result worth to a business or organization? For my wife’s site, a top result for “bar mitzvah rabbi” led to a front page New York Times feature article (this Sunday).
Read more below >> Search Marketing Case Study:
It started with a Google Search A reporter doing a search for “bar mitzvah rabbi” found her organization, Adventure Rabbi:
The reporter then visited the page on Adventure Rabbi, and called Jamie for an interview:
After a photoshoot at the office, I first found out about the article via a Google Alert:
… which led to the article on their site:
And even better… the New York Times linked to the Adventure Rabbi site with a link. The New York Times is the 93rd most popular website in the US, and has a PageRank of 9. Only 148 websites in the world have a Page Rank of 9; Only 12 (including Google) have a Page Rank of 10.
Watch for the article in the Sunday Styles section, or read it online here >>