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Pinterest is now the third most popular social network in the world! Where does it sit? Behind Facebook and Twitter, third place might as well be first place given Facebook and Twitter’s head start.

Pinterest is a pin-board style photo sharing tool. They have fully understood the power of social media, by allowing their site to not be exclusive from other social media, but integrating Facebook and Twitter into the functionality of re-pins. If you have not understood by now, Social Media is driven by sharing interests.


–Pinterest Mission



Why should you use Pinterest for Business?

Advertising costs. A lot of money is lost spent on consumers that were not interested in your products in the first place. Granted, a great marketer wants to reach potential customers to create a need that was not recognized before their ad impression. But, what if you could make every one of those impressions count? The social media tool Pinterest allows users to choose what they are interested in, what they want to follow and what they want to re-pin. Stop spending money on acquiring followers that are not interested in your products, and have little to no customer lifetime value. The number of new Pinterest users sign-up is increasing at a faster rate compared to its competitors: Twitter and Facebook.


Tips for using Pinterest for Business


using prices on pinterest pins

Post prices with your Pins.


On average there are 40% more likes for pins with a price associated. This breaks down to users re-pinning and liking based on the value associated with the price. Remember, more likes equals a great reach for your pin.




Adding links to your pinterest

Links in your Pins

Be careful with this one, you can put links attached to your images, but it is against Pinterest “rules” to post a link in the description.

Links are very important in that they allow the user to actually take action once they are interested in your product. The fewer steps a user has to take to purchase your product increase the chance for a conversion. Add a link, make it easy for them to find and purchase your products.


increasing your social network with pinterest



Connect your business profile with all of your social networks. Don’t be afraid that if you push people towards your Facebook page or Twitter that they will be less focused on you Pins. Sharing is what the game is about. Your assumption is that friends share similar interests. Similar interests mean similar purchases.




The Dollars and Cents of Business

boosting online sales with pinterest


Pinterest has proven to increase online sales. As you can see in the info graphic above, the average order size of Pinterest referrals is the greatest. What does this mean for your business? Get on Pinterest and do it right. If you are interested in any help with your Pinterest Social Media please contact Customer Paradigm. Shopping habits have changed the increase in research of products and shopping online has become more prevalent, don’t let your business pass up this opportunity to be involved.

For more help with your Social Media efforts. Call us now to talk to a real person at 303.473.4400 or contact us here.

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