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Keyword Research



Do Your Targeted Keywords Generate Traffic?

Keywords are terms that users type into search engines like Google. The Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) shown by search engines are calculated by the targeted keywords on your site. For example, if you are a flower shop in Louisville Kentucky, showing up for “Louisville Flower Shops” would be relative to your business and drive targeted traffic to your site.

Keyword Research is a great way to discover how your customers are searching for you. Very often your common industry terms are far from your most profitable keywords.

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The purpose of keyword research is to find keywords which are relative and profitable for your website. Often, people believe they know what keywords should be targeted, however, not everyone uses the same keyword phrases for their searches. So as a business owner, with the intimate knowledge of your industry and the jargon used, you may not really know how people are searching for your products and services.

Keyword research can help determine the average search volume for a term and the relative competition based on other websites that are optimizing for that term.

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Communication, we first learn about your business and hear from you the terms which you want to be ranking for. Then we research and suggest other keywords your site should rank for in regards to your businesses products and services. We then write down all the possible keywords a searcher might use to find your specific products and services. Finally, we add all of these keywords and similar keyword phrases into our keyword planning tool to determine the keywords search volume and competition.

From the volume and competition results, we are able to decide on the best terms. Keyword research is a process that is continually updated based on search trends, although for some industries the keywords stay the same. In the end, we provide a very refined and defined list of keywords that your business will want to target. Then the actual fun and difficult part begins of strategically implementing those keywords.

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The profitability and necessity of keyword research is often only apparent to those who understand the relation between websites and search engines. The keywords you target and implement throughout your site are known to search engines as they routinely check and scan every website for content and overall site health. From which, your keywords are picked up and noted for their use and implementation. This, in part, plays a role in how your website ranks overall for certain keywords and terms on SERPs.

How your site ranks for certain terms and the volume of people searching for said terms largely dictates how much traffic your site will receive. The 1st result to show up in SERP’s receives nearly 33% of all search traffic for that specific term. The 2nd receives nearly 18% and the 3rd 11%. The 10th result to show up on a SERP receives only 2% of the search traffic. If you fail to show up on the first page at all, the amount of traffic your site will receive becomes miniscule, literally a fraction of what those on the first page receive.


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