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Banner Ads



Are you letting people know your site exists online?

Banner ads work to notify users that your company, product, or service is available—much like a traditional print ad does in magazines or on billboards. Banner ads are great for creating brand awareness online. Similar to purchasing ad space, they are hosted by an ad server and are shown on different websites. The biggest difference is that banner ads can include a call-to-action and once a user clicks on the ad, they are taken directly to the page we want people to land on, and we can actually track how effective these ads are.

However, keep in mind that users are more likely to survive a plane crash than click on a banner ad (Solve Media), which is why it’s much more effective as a form of brand awareness.

Banner ads lead to a 63% increase in brand awareness.

Do people recognize your brand online?

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Paid Ads Services

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Many people believe that banner ads are supposed to drive a lot of traffic to their sites and get lots of conversions. However, the truth is, in the US, the average click-through-rate for banner ads is 0.10% (Smart Insights). This is why they are better utilized for branding purposes and retargeting methods. Banner ads act as a way to get the online audience to become familiar with the brand and for those who already know it, give a reminder that the company is still here and the goods are available. Banner ads lead to a 300% increase in site visitation (Comscore).

Aside from brand awareness, banner ads are a cost-effective way of advertising— you’ll only pay for the impressions they get or when a user actually clicks on your banner to visit your website. Good banner ads are typically designed to be visually appealing while including interesting information about the brand. This increases interest and brand recognition.

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We believe in making banner ads that reflect your website and branding while looking good and continue to offer value to your customers by shouting what your brand has to offer. That is why we work with you to nail down the core message you’d like show off to the world about your company while ensuring it’s relevant and interesting to your target. Our team then designs a series of banner ads in different sizes that are streamlined with your website and branding, complete with logos and call-to-actions.

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As users see your banner ads around the web, they develop a relationship with your brand, and those who have visited your site are reminded to come back for more. The increase in brand awareness leads to more traffic and in turn, more sales.


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